Huda Hassan is an award-winning writer, cultural critic, and professor.

Her essays and criticism appear everywhere, including in New York MagazinePitchfork, The Globe & Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and Hazlitt. As a critic, she appears on radio and television, including CBC’s Commotion, Metro Morning, and The Current, alongside CTV’s Culture Shock and Pop Life shows. She has given talks in many places, including Toronto’s Palestine Film Festival (TPFF), The Africa Center, New York University, McGill University, Theatre Center, and Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).

The New York Public Library’s Schomburg fellowship supports her writing and research. She is an assistant media and cultural studies professor at New York University, where she teaches literary and cultural criticism, cultural politics, the political economy of media, cultural history, and black studies. Huda writes a column for the CBCAgainst the Grain, and Mother, Loosen My Tongue, a monthly newsletter.

She is represented by literary agent Ron Eckel (of Cooke McDermid).

Huda is based in New York City.